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Transformative : Pre-Post shots of COVID-19

Updated: Nov 9, 2023


The world will remember 2020 as the year of the mask, which became a quintessential entity of our life. Before asking and doing anything, we are now into masking everything.

What we miss out on most is the smile!

Changing C

Pandemic has affected the kids - taking away their opportunity to play & explore; be involved in team building and develop friendship. Each have individual and holistic - monumental- role in shape their personality and future

What we miss are : sunshine, friends, school and outdoor!

Power to Scientists

Scientists across nations connected to develop kits, engineer vaccines generate protective gadgets and network information to fight against the global pandemic. The research prowess will decide future world powers- “Who got the detection kit first?” or “Who made the vaccine first?” or “Who got the prediction, right?”

What we miss out on most is the world before COVID-19!


COVID-19 taught the educational system to adapt e-learning overnight. Whiteboards have replaced blackboards turning classmates & team mates into Zoom & Google mates. It even changed the way we handle meetings, evaluations and monitoring.

What we miss out most are non-verbal communications!

Reality Checkers

The bat virus may have crippled us socially and economically but did strengthen our views and preference towards life. Now we actually appreciating even the smallest things in life, how to feel blessed to have something or just anything.

What we miss out on most is enjoying work!



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