If I tell you that we are all walking incubators for virus- will you agree?
If you do-read it, and if don't - please read the post.
The incubator is an instrument that provides a temperature-controlled environment for the growth of an organism or a process.
Temperature is integral to provide optimal growth conditions and functionality in an organism. The human body functions best around 37 degree C or 98.6 degree F, ideal for metabolic activity and enzyme functions.
Hypothalamus in the brain is responsible for maintaining the temperature of the body.
During infection, one of the first defense strategies adopted by the immune system of our body is heating us up (not literally!) with a mission to kill pathogens-that's why your thermometer reads between 99-101 degree centrigrde.
So please don't go all panicky; it's the body's call "Avengers Assemble"....Oops "Immune cells Assemble"

Viruses are non-living entities. In simple words, they don't have a cell, so they can't do any cool activities like grow, reproduce, or survive.
Every virus needs a host who can provide all the requirements for the virus to grow and multiply.
Imagine a virus as an invisible uninvited guest, who gets into your house, utilizes all the benefits, and make many more invisible copies of it within in few hours. The house is your body, an entirely temperature-controlled system with all cell machinery for viruses to jump on. So you, being the most intelligent and complex organism that walks the earth, is a walking incubator for them. Gotcha!
The only saving gracing (of course for the virus) is we are not their only rental option - birds, animals, plants, and even bacteria are available provide a five-star accommodation.